
Investment Clarity

Metric 1: Invested customers per full-time employee
Metric 2: Net Promoter Score

Hypothesis: Providing customers with more information about the pension plan they are investing in and contextualizing that information with the broader market will help them make more informed decisions about their investment options, alleviate their concerns during volatile periods, and increase their trust in us to manage their pensions.

Objective: Utilising an API to tap into up-to-date fund investment details and performance, we identified 10 data areas which we felt would meet our criteria, adding value and context to a plan so customers understood where/how their money was invested and that it provided long-term clarity on the performance of a plan. This would ensure we remained aligned with our two metrics.

Role: My primary role was coordinating the team to facilitate the project following the design thinking double diamond approach. Once the team understood the problem, we diverged to understand the technical considerations of utilising the API and visualising the data and the customer needs, ensuring the information we provide is clear, concise and helpful.

Results: Through extensive moderated and unmoderated tests with a mixture of customers and participants with no prior knowledge of the company, We gathered insights on each of the 10 data areas and ranked them in order based on participants' views of what was most insightful and useful. We then combined this information with the considerations that emerged from the technical discovery and split the project into 10 separate subtasks to tackle iteratively.